Allianz appoints new global head of cyber

Allianz Commercial has appointed Vanessa Maxwell as global head of cyber, in addition to her current role as global head of financial Lines. 

In this new dual role, Vanessa will lead both cyber and financial lines as separate lines of business. Allianz said this organizational structure reflects the strategic importance of both products to Allianz Commercial, as well as the connection between both financial lines and cyber in the wider insurance market.

Maxwell’s predecessor, Scott Sayce, moved to a new role outside Allianz in June.

Maxwell joined Allianz Commercial as global head of financial lines just under two years ago from Berkshire Hathaway. Prior to that, and over her career, she also worked in increasingly senior roles at AIG and Lexington Insurance Company.

Shanil Williams, chief underwriting officer at Allianz Commercial, said: “I would like to thank Scott Sayce for the highly professional steering of Cyber under his leadership. During his time with us, he established cyber as a strong presence within our book, growing it significantly and moving it to become a stand-alone line of business. A huge thank you to Vanessa Maxwell for taking her newly created role as global head of cyber and financial lines. I have every confidence that she, and the cyber leadership team will continue to build our presence in this area, in line with our ambitions of market leadership.”


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